
Chimney of Horrors | Yosemite Higher Spire Free,

7. 9. 2019

Northwest Route was first climbed by Yosemite climbers Royal Robbins and Tom Frost in 1962. 1200 feet tall and packed with challenges, the climb established them both as two of the world's leading climbers. Until 2018 the route had never been free climbed when Kevin Jorgeson and Ben Rueck set out to do just that. Watch in VR180 as these two Adidas climbing athletes take on the challenge of freeing one Yosemite National Park's most classic climbs.

Pitch 3 is known by its Valley nickname, "The Chimney of Horrors". The pitch lives up to its monicker. Run out and overhanging the Chimney stretches upwards for almost a hundred feet with limited ability to protect the climber from the danger of falling out. Watch professional rock climber Kevin Jorgeson gracefully climb this hard test piece chimney during his effort to free this classic aid line Northwest Regular Route on Higher Spire. Now in virtual reality Kevin successfully freed all 1200 feet of the spire in Fall of 2018.

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