Scuba diving

We found an air chamber deep in Underwater Cave

14. 9. 2020

We went cave diving in the Blue Grotto in Florida. The Blue Grotto Dive Resort is a Scuba Diving destination in Williston Florida. It is located very close to the Devils Den Prehistoric Spring in Florida. Scuba Diving in the Blue Grotto is a very unique experience, it is a very easy cave to Scuba dive in, there is one way in and one way out. You do not need a cave diving certification to go Scuba Diving in the Blue Grotto. The blue Grotto is a natural freshwater spring that flows out of the ground. The blue grotto cavern is about 100 feet deep at its deepest point. It is a very unique spot among Florida's Springs. Around 30 feet deep in the cave is an airbell. The air bell is a chamber that has fresh air continuously pumped down into it. You can dive down and enter the bell and remove your scuba mask and talk! It is a very strange feeling to be deep underwater and able to talk in open air. There is also fish and turtles in the Blue Grotto. The Grotto also has docks and tables and a staging area for prepping your Scuba gear as you go in and out of the spring.

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